
What is the meaning of "va'Ashkenah Eschem ba'Makom ha'Zeh"?


Radak: I will stand you in your [current] dwelling, and you will not be exiled. This is like "ha'Chiyisem Kol Nekevah" (Bamidbar 31:15) - did you leave them alive?!


Malbim: I will dwell on you - "v'Asu Li Mikdash v'Shachanti b'Socham" (Shemos 25:8).


Here it implies that that if they repent, they will be saved. Above (2:22), it says "Ki Im Techabesi ba'Neser v'Sarbi Lach Boris Nichtam Avonech"!


Radak: Refer to 2:22:1:1.

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