What is the meaning of "Yigmar Na Ra Resha'im"?
Rashi: May be finished [the evil of Resha'im]! So Menachem explained "Gamar Omer" (77:9), "Gamar Chasid" (12:2) and all of them.
Radak: The evil that Resha'im do and intend should eradicate them.
Malbim: The end of evil and punishments should be with the Resha'im. Even though the evil started [striking] me, it will finish with Resha'im, and they will perish.
What is the meaning of "u'Schonen Tzadik [u'Vochen Libos]"?
Rashi: You know who is a Tzadik, that You establish him.
Radak: The Tzadik's way and intent should be fulfilled, and You will help him. He said so about himself and [other] Tzadikim in Yisrael.
Malbim: The completion of the building is the house of a Tzadik.
Why did he say "u'Vochen Libos u'Chlayos"?
Radak: He tests hearts and knows man's thoughts. He knows the Tzadikim and Resha'im. Many people make themselves appear good, but they are not!
Malbim: He tests hearts to know purity of intent (even without action).
Why did he say "Elokim Tzadik"?
Rashi: This is His name.
Radak: He judges righteously and gives to everyone according to his ways and thoughts, for He knows everything.
Malbim: He judges Tzidki (action together with intent).