
What are "ha'Duda'im"?


Rashi: They are good and bad figs, like "Hir'ani Hashem v'Hinei Shnei Duda'ei Te'enim...; ha'Dud Echad Te'enim Tovos... veha'Dud ha'Sheni Ra'os Me'od Asher Lo Se'achalnah" (Yirmeyah 24:1) - these are sinners of Yisrael. Now, both of them gave [good] scent; all seek Your face!


Seforno: They are ignoramuses. Even they gave a good scent via their deeds.


Malbim (Melitzah): They are fragrant flowers; they are a metaphor for understanding. They are Hefker to all in the field 1 . I.e. investigation will be also in external matters and Chachmos not for Avodas Hashem. It mentioned Duda'im, for they arouse love between man and wife (however, that is physical love). I.e. it will investigate matters that do not arouse spiritual love [of Hashem]. This scent is Hefker to all physical powers, not only for Hashem.


Malbim (Mashal): Duda'im's smell is not only for their owner; they are Hefker in the field and gave scent to everyone who passes.


What is the meaning of "v'Al Pesacheinu Kol Megadim"?


Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 21b:This refers to Bnos Yisrael who are Magid Pischeihem (tell when they became Nidah) to their husbands. Alternatively, they are OGDos Pischeihem. (They bind their [genital] openings, and do not have relations with anyone except for their husbands.)


Rashi: We have reward for many Mitzvos.


Seforno: In Batei Midrash are all nice matters of investigation and deed.


Malbim (Melitzah): These are powers of deeds. They are at the opening, outside; they do not come inside to the Kodesh, to inner rooms and crevices in the heart. Acts without Ahavas Hashem are bodies without a Neshamah, shells without content.


Malbim (Mashal): Also the edible, tasty Peros are at the opening and Hefker to all.


What do we learn from "Chadashim Gam Yeshanim"?


Rashi, Torah Temimah citing Eruvin 21b: Keneses Yisrael says to Hashem 'I decreed many stringencies on myself, more than You did, and I fulfilled them.' Chadashim are mid'Rabanan laws, and Yeshanim are Torah laws.


Seforno: Chadashim are new matters that Chachamim understood; Yeshanim are rulings of prior Chachamim.


Malbim (Melitzah): Also the important Mitzvos are old and done amidst habit - Mitzvos Anashim Melumadah.


Malbim (Mashal): The tasty Peros are new, but they are like old. After we were satiated from them and there was excess, they are not important.


Why does it say "Tzafanti Lach"?


Rashi #1: For Your sake and for Your Avodah, I hid them in my heart.


Rashi #2: I hid them to show You that I fulfilled them.


Seforno: They wrote them in their Seforim.


Malbim (Melitzah): What I served Hashem amidst love, this is hidden for Hashem alone and special to Him; it is totally Kodesh.


Malbim (Mashal): My love for Dodi is not Hefker or like an old matter. I hid it from all; it is for you.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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