
Why did he say "Gadalta Hashem


Radak: What I understand of Your intent and desire, I know that You are above all, and no one can know Your thoughts.


Malbim: Hashem greatness is that He ties and causes and results, and His will appears on them from the beginning to the end.


What is the meaning of "b'Chol Asher Shamanu b'Azneinu"?


Radak: [From all that we heard,] and from what we know from our hearts, we know that there is none like You and no god other than You.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Like all that we heard from those before us. This is like "ask your fathers and they will tell you; your elders, and they will say to you" (Devarim 32:7).


what is the Chidush of "Ki Ein Kamocha"?


Malbim: All forces that You empowered, they have a limit and measure.


What does "v'Ein Elokim Zulasecha" add?


Malbim: All these Elohim, which are elevated powers and supreme officers and the stars and their enforcers, are not (do not exist) without You. Your Ru'ach gives life to them and conducts them. You determine everything until the end result from the beginning.

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