
What does the verse teach about Tzidkas Hashem?


Rashi: This is connected to the previous verse. I will tell that Tzidkasecha is until Marom.


Radak: It is great and high until Marom. This is like "Ki Gadol Ad Shamayim Chasdecha" (57:11).


Malbim: In salvation via nature, Hashem brings it via the first cause, and all the consequences occur by themselves based on nature. In miraculous salvation, also the consequences are from Hashem. He can make a result from an opposite cause, e.g. a cure via a Makah, elevation via lowering. Your Tzedakah goes from the ground until Marom - i.e. from the last cause and the last consequence, which is on the ground, until the first cause, which is in Marom, all are from Hashem. This is not based on nature 1 .


Malbim (here and 34:4): It says here Gedolos. Ram is something in the height of the world - this is a metaphor for the first cause. Gadol is something that reaches from the ground until Marom. This is a metaphor for every chain of causes and consequences. From the ground until Marom is from Him.


For whom did Hashem do these Gedolos?


Radak: For David and for others.


Why did he say "Elokim"?


Radak: He calls to Him. You can - who has ability like You?! All with ability, their ability will perish, except for Your ability, which does not finish.


Why does it say "Mi Chamocha"?


Radak: Due to Your Gedolos, everyone says Mi Chamocha. Moshe said "Mi Chamocha ba'Elim Hashem" (Shemos 15:11) and "Mi... Ya'aseh ch'Ma'asecha uchi'Gevurosecha" (Devarim 3:24).


Malbim: All higher and lower powers can act only according to the natural connection of the consequence to the cause. Only Hashem can bring a matter from its opposite - the One who told oil to burn, He can tell vinegar to burn (Ta'anis 25a).

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