
Why did he add "va'Ani Tamid Imach"?


Rashi: Even though I saw this (success and serenity of Resha'im), I was always with You, and did not veer from fear of You.


Radak: I always clung to You and Your service, and engaged in Chachmah.


Malbim: I myself - my Nefesh and intellect - am always with You. Man himself - his Neshamah - is not impressed by bodily (animal) matters, good or bad. It lives with You - honorable, true and Divine life, above matters that occur over time. It clings to Hashem.


How did Hashem hold his right hand?


Rashi: You strengthened me in fear of You when my feet were close to veering from You way - "Kim'at Natayu Raglai" (verse 2).


Radak: You helped me and stood me up.


Malbim: Man's essence (Neshamah) has two hands. His right hand overpowers his animal part. He lifts his right hand and swears in [the name of] the Life of the world to live angelic Divine life, separated from the body and its desires. The left hand lowers him to eat and live like an animal - "v'Lev Kesil li'Smolo" (Koheles 10:2]. You held my right hand lest I take shelter under my animal part, rather, I should be over it and not request imagined successes.

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