
What is the meaning of "Kalah She'eri u'Lvavi"?


Rashi: My flesh and heart desire You. Kalah is an expression of desire, like "Kalsah li'Sshu'asecha Nafshi" (119:81).


Radak: When my flesh and heart (the Nefesh in all living beings) will cease.... (refer to 73:26:2:1-2).


Malbim: All bodily powers will cease - both She'eri, i.e. the flesh that bears these imagned successes, and my heart, which desires them, is not eternal; it ceases. When they cease, also those successes will cease.


Why does the verse teach about "Tzur Levavi v'Chelki Elokim l'Olam "?


Radak #1: My intellect, which is the strength of my heart, will not cease. Also "Chelki", i.e. Elokim's portion, will last forever. It is as if it says Chelki v'Chelek Elokim. Also "Kis'acha Elokim Olam va'Ed" (45:7) is like Kis'acha Kisei Elokim.


Radak #2: The rock of my heart and my portion will always be Elokim, for I clung to You.


Malbim: The primary root of my heart, the rock on which it stands, i.e. the Nefesh, and Hashem's portion (the Divine aspect) in me, does not cease; it exists forever. If so, also its happiness will never cease.


Shir ha'Shirim Rabah (5:1): Hashem is called the heart of Yisrael.

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