
What is "l'Chayas"?


Rashi: It is [gathering of] troops of the nations, like "va'Ye'asfu Pelishtim la'Chayah" (Shmuel II, 23:11).


Radak #1: The congregation of. The word to which l'Chayas is Samuch, is omitted. It should say l'Chayas ha'Oyvim Nefesh Yisrael, which is Your Tor.


Radak #2: It is a noun - breakage - "v'Shod Behemos Yechisan" (Chabakuk 2:17).


What is "Nefesh Torecha"?


Rashi: The soul of Your Tor (turtledove). A Tor, when its 'husband' dies, it does not mate with another. So Yisrael did not switch You for another god, even though You distanced from them, and they are like a widow. Radak - Yisrael are compared to Tor (here), and to a Yonah - "Yonasi b'Chagvei ha'Sela" (Shir ha'Shirim 2:14), for they are weak and others tear them, and they do not tear. Malbim - save us, lest the vicious Chayos (nations) tear us!


What is "Chayas Aniyecha"?


Rashi: The Nefesh of Your Aniyim (Yisrael, who are afflicted). Radak - this is like "Nefesh Torecha." Also "v'Zihamatu Chayaso Lachem", "v'Chayasam ba'Kedeshim" (Iyov 33:20, 36:14) refer to Nefesh.


Radak: The congregation of Your Aniyim.


Malbim: It is [Yisrael's] living soul - its Divine Neshamah. Different species are submissive to one another - weak Chayos are submissive to tearing species, based on their natures. Yisrael are like a Tor, a weak domestic bird that migrates by nature, so Yisrael are relocated and weak. Even so, it is proper not to give them over to tearing Chayos, due to Yisrael's Neshamah, the highest form in the lower world, for it is Bas Elokim.

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