
What is the meaning of "Ezkerah Neginasi ba'Laylah"?


Rashi: In the days of this Galus, which is like night, I recall the songs that I played in early days, in the Beis ha'Mikdash.


Radak: I remember that after the [previous redemptions from] Galus, I played music and rejoiced.


Malbim: I still have the songs - remembrances of miracles that passed, and the nation's grandeur and success in days of old.


What is the meaning of "Im Levavi Asichah"?


Rashi: I think, and my Ru'ach searches what is Hashem's Midah. I am astounded - will He abandon [Yisrael] forever (verse 8)?!


Malbim: I think, why did the sun of my success set?


Is there a difference between "Im Levavi Asichah" and "va'Ychapes Ruchi"?


Radak: No. The matter is repeated in different words. Ruchi is like Levavi; in the heart is the Ru'ach of thought; it seeks things mentally.


Malbim: Yes. The former is thinking why his success ceased, and the latter is searching all possibilities. Could Hashem abandon His nation from being in front of Him?!

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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