
Where do we find that Hashem cleaved rocks?


Rashi: "V'Hikisa va'Tzur" (Shemos 17:6).


Radak: In Refidim and in Kadesh. The future is used in place of past; this is common. Even though this was after giving manna and Slav in Midbar Sin, which are mentioned below (verses 24-27), the true order is known from the Torah.


Why does it say "va'Yashk ki'S'homos Rabah"?


Rashi: Even when they went in the sea, whose water is salty, He sweetened for them springs amidst the deep water.


Radak: He gave to them to drink from rocks, like from deep water. "Rabah" is an adjective describing Tehom; even though Rabah is singular and ki'S'homos is plural, we find like this - "Benos Tza'adah Alei Shor" (Bereishis 49:22).


Malbim: Even though the Midbar is not a place of springs, He gave to them to drink like from deep water. Do not say that there was a spring here.


The first time that Hashem cleaved rocks was in Refidim. This was after giving manna and Slav in Midbar Sin, which are mentioned below (verses 24-27)!


Radak: The true order is known from the Torah.


Malbim (18): The complainers mentioned in Parshas Beha'aloscha is the same as "veha'Asafsuf Asher b'Kirbo His'avu Ta'avah" (Bamidbar 11:4). 1


I.e. below does not discuss the first time that Hashem gave manna and Slav, rather, when He gave after they complained. Refer to 78:18:2:2. (PF)

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