From where did they bring the Aron and the Ohel Mo'ed?
Radak: The Aron was in Tziyon, and the Ohel Mo'ed was in Giv'on.
What did they do with the Ohel Mo'ed?
Rashi citing Tosefta Sotah 13:1: When Shlomo build Bayis Rishon, he buried the Ohel Mo'ed that Moshe made (Radak - in the storehouses of Beis Hashem).
What did they do with the Kelim from the Ohel Mo'ed?
Malbim: Some were put in the Mikdash, e.g. the Menorah and Shulchan. Others were hidden in the Aliyah above the Kodesh, like Chazal's tradition 1 .
I did not find where they said that they are hidden in the Aliyah. (PF)
What is the meaning of "Asher b'Ohel"?
Rashi: It is in the tent that David made for the Aron.
What did the Kohanim and the Leviyim bring?
Radak, Malbim: The Kohanim brought the Aron, and the Leviyim brought the Ohel Mo'ed.