
Did the Aron have only two Luchos? Where were the broken Luchos and the Sefer Torah?


Radak: The Aron with the Sefer Torah 1 was put in the storehouse of Beis Hashem with the Ohel Mo'ed and Kelim. Chilkiyah ha'Kohen said "Sefer ha'Torah Matzasi b'Veis Hashem" (Melachim II, 22:8). This implies that it was not in a place where they normally went, and they did not know about it in that generation.


Malbim (from Bava Basra 14a): The double negative ("Ein


Yehudah ben Lakish in the Beraisa Meleches ha'Mishkan (Perek 6) and Yerushalmi (Shekalim 6:1) holds that the broken Luchos were in a second Aron, not with the Sefer Torah. R. Bechayei (Devarim 10:1) - i.e. the Aron that Moshe made. The whole Luchos were in Betzalel's Aron. Meforshei ha'Yerushalmi say that the Torah and whole Luchos were in the same Aron; perhaps this changed after Shlomo built the Beis ha'Mikdash. (PF)


It concludes (14b) that all agree that the broken Luchos were inside. They argue only about the Sefer Torah! Malbim did not discuss where the omitted one was kept. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Asher Karas Hashem"?


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: On them are written the 10 matters of the Bris that Hashem made with Bnei Yisrael when they left Egypt.

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