
Why is Lo written with an Aleph, and we pronounce it with a Vov?


Radak: With an Aleph (no) teaches that he will not live. With a Vov (to him) teaches that Chaza'el told him that he will live.


Why did he say "Chayo Sichyeh"?


Rashi: This refers to Chaza'el. He will live in place of Ben Hadad for kingship.


Why did he say to tell him that he will live, if "v'Hir'ani Hashem Ki Mos Yamus"?


Radak, Malbim: He will live (recover) from the illness, if he will not die from something else. Radak - Hashem showed me that they will kill him. Elisha told this to Chaza'el when he told him that he will be king. Chaza'el understood that he should kill him; Elisha did not explicitly say so.

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