
Is the nation screaming now?


Rashi: I hear that in the end they will scream in a distant land.


Radak: Yes, due to the enemy coming from a far land.


Malbim: Yes. Hashem disputes with the 10 tribes, who are now far away, past the rivers of Kush. They hoped to be redeemed and return to their fathers' land, and they heard the bad tidings of the exile of Yehudah and Churban Beis ha'Mikdash. Via this, they lost hope.


Why does it say "ha'Hashem Ein b'Tziyon"?


Rashi: He is in Tziyon - if they will return, they will find Him.


Radak: Is Hashem not here? If so, how can [the enemy] come upon us? The Shechinah is in Tziyon, and there is a king in Tziyon - how can the enemy rule over it?!


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: The Navi rebukes them - is Hashem's Shechinah not in Tziyon?! Is the king not in it? Why do you anger Me?


Malbim: The 10 tribes say this. This is Your place of Shechinah. It is proper that they be saved miraculously through Hashgachah, via Hashem, their strength!


What is the significance of a king in Tziyon?


Malbim: Even if Hashem abandoned them, and there is Hester Panim (Hashgachah is not seen), they should be saved naturally, via war!


Why does it say "Madu'a Hich'isuni"?


Radak: Hashem answers, how do you think to be saved because I am in Tziyon - they angered Me with their idols, with folly of foreign gods!


Malbim: They are punished via Hashgachah for (a) switching Hashem for other gods; (b) switching Him for foreign follies - "Hem Kin'uni v'Lo Kel Ki'asuni b'Havleihem" (Devarim 32:21).

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