
What is the significance of 70 men?


Radak: They are the Sanhedrin. Hashem showed to Yechezkel what He gave to [Yisrael] 70 elders to teach to them the good path, and the elders make them stray, like Yeshayah said "Ami Me'ashrecha Mas'im" (3:12).


Why is Ya'azanyah singled out among the 70 men?


Rashi: He was esteemed, and people learned from him. Therefore, the verse is adamant about him.


Radak: He was the greatest of them (the head of the Sanhedrin - Malbim).


What is "Maktarto"?


Radak: An incense pan is called so, for people are Maktir (burn) in it.


What is "Asar Anan ha'Ketores"?


Rashi: It is the pillar of smoke. Asar is an expression of increase, like "v'Hatartem Alai Divreichem" (35:13), "v'Nataros Neshikos Sonei" (Mishlei 27:6). Also Menachem explained all three of these to refer to increase.


Radak: It is the thickness of the cloud. There were many pans, for many served, and there were many [idolatries] served 1 . Also v'Hatartem Alai Divreichem" (35:13) is the thickness of the words and their multitude.


How does this affect the thickness of the cloud? Had they served only one idol, they would have burned in front of it one after the other. Rather, they served many idols at once, so there were many individual clouds; they merged to form one thick cloud. (PF)

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