
What is "Chatzer Beis Hashem ha'Penimis"?


Rashi: It is the Azarah, for Har ha'Bayis is called Chatzer ha'Chitzonah. Until now he was standing in it. Rather, he entered the northern gate and Hashem showed him in Beis ha'Chalifos the form of Tamuz. After He took him to the east, in front of the Heichal and the Mizbe'ach.


Radak: It is the same Chatzer mentioned above (7), just Hashem moved him from place to place. He was in the north, at the opening of the cell, and now He brought him to the east of the Heichal, and he saw outside Pesach ha'Heichal, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, which was in front of the Ulam in the Azarah.


Why does it say "u'Fneihem Kedemah"? We know this already, for "Achoreihem El Heichal Hashem"!


Rashi citing Yuma 77a: This teaches that they exposed themselves and excreted towards Hashem.


What is the grammatical form of "Mishtachavisem"?


Rashi citing Yerushalmi Sotah 5:5 It is a compound of Hishtachava'ah and Hashchasah. They ruin the Heichal and bow to the sun. Also Yonason translates like this. They ruin their way Kedemah (like of old), for serving the sun included service of Pe'or and Zenus, to corrupt.


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of Shacho'ach (bent), like "Shechi v'Na'avorah" (Yeshayah 51:23).


Radak: It is a compound of Mishtachavim and Hishtachavisem. The Navi found people bowing east to the sun, and said to those who entered 'did you bow?'

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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