
Why does it say "Gam Ki Yisnu va'Goyim"?


Rashi: Even though "Hisnu Ahavim" (they sought lovers - refer to 8:9:3:1-2)?


Radak: Yisnu is an expression of a Tenai, like Hisnu. What benefit did they get from this? Refer to 8:10:2:2.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: If Bnei Yisrael will put fear of Me on their hearts?


Malbim: Even now, that they give an Esnan to nations to seek their love and make a Bris? Refer to 8:10:2:3.


Whom will Hashem gather now?


Rashi: I will gather [Efrayim] at the time of their redemption; I will not hold it back.


Radak: He will gather Goyim against [Efrayim] soon, to exile them.


Malbim: There is still hope that I will gather them from where they were cast off and return their captivity, if "va'Yachelu?" (refer to 8:10:3:3).


What is the meaning of "va'Yachelu Me'at mi'Masa Melech Sarim"?


Rashi: They will be subdued a little in Galus Bavel, amidst fear of the burden of Melech Sarim, i.e. the yoke of the Bavliyim amidst whom they were.


Radak: Before I exile them, they will complain about the burden of Melech v'Sarim 1 , like it says in Melachim II, 23:33, that kings imposed a punishment of a tax on them. This was small, compared to the Galus. Sarim are officers of the nations.


Malbim: Their king and officers will expect and fear the Masa (prophecy) of punishments that the Nevi'im said, and repent.


Radak: The prefix Vov is omitted. The same applies to many verses, e.g. "Shemesh Yare'ach" (Chabakuk 3:11), "Reuven Shimon" (Shemos 1:2). (There, the Torah puts a Vov at the end of each 'list' of Shevatim! Radak holds that every matter listed after the first should have a Vov, like we find elsewhere (Shemos 25:3-5, Bamidbar 32:3). (PF)

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