
What will result from doing these matters?


Malbim: You will be prepared for the true salvation.


What is the command to speak Emes?


Radak: Do not speak with the mouth unlike what is in the heart.


Malbim: The Navi saw that Bayis Sheni will be destroyed due to Sin'as Chinam, and he saw the flying Megilah that went to punish them for false oaths. The two women were carrying the Eifah (5:10) - flattery and haughtiness among them, therefore they were exiled a second time. They should cease from these matters, which will cause a second Churban!


What is "Mishpat Shalom"?


Rashi citing Sanhedrin 6b: It is compromise.


Radak: It is correct judgment - then there is Shalom between the litigants. Chazal said (Sanhedrin 7a) that if Beis Din took your garment, you should sing (rejoice that you were saved from sin). We learn from "Kol ha'Am ha'Zeh... Yavo v'Shalom" - even one who was obligated in Din. Mishpat has a Patach, for it is Samuch to Shalom.


Why does it specify "b'Sha'areichem"?


Radak: That is where Chachamim sit - "ha'Sharah El ha'Zekenim" (Devarim 25:7).

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