
What is the meaning of "Shachanti Armah"?


Rashi: I dwelled by Armah. Once one learns Torah, Armimus (cleverness) about everything enters him.


Malbim: Armah is a power of the Nefesh to weigh everything before doing it - "Kol Arum Ya'aseh v'Da'as" (13:16). The opposite is a Pesi. Sometimes a person is Ma'arim (schemes) for evil. However, one who gathered to his Nefesh the Chukim of Chachmah, he uses his Armah to plan his path according to the laws of Chachmah. He takes counsel with his Nefesh about everything - "Lases li'Fsayim Armah" (1:4). Armah without Chachmah is usually for evil.


What is the meaning of "v'Da'as Mezimos Emtza"?


Malbim: Mezimos are deep thoughts of Chachmah. Via thinking deeply in Chachmah, he finds Da'as, to attain a clear knowledge. Via deep investigation, the laws of Chachmah will be a faithful foundation in his heart. They will become for him like axioms, or what is known via senses. First Armah dwells before Chachmah, and then Mezimos, and then Da'as.

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