
How will kings rule in [Chachmah]?


Rashi: I teach to them the laws.


Malbim: Among the laws of Chachmah come the Chachmah of conduct of kings and of judges. They are two matters - "Hen l'Tzedek Yimlach Melech ul'Sharim l'Mishpat Yashoru" (Yeshayah 32:1). There is conduct according to fixed Mishpat. Shoftim give rulings and officers force people to fulfill them. There is conduct not according to fixed law; the king can judge unlike Torah law, according to the time, matter and litigants. This is Tzedek. The Rambam writes that the king can kill many in one day and judges according to his discretion.


What is the meaning of "Rozenim Yechokeku Tzedek"?


Malbim: Rozenim are counseling officers who accompany the king. Together, they do Tzedek (judge unlike Torah law, according to the situation).

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