
Why does it say "b'Tzedek Kol Imrei Fi"?


Malbim: Now it discusses written Torah; Amirah denotes this. It is the expression in which each Mitzvah was said. All were said with the power of the supreme Chachmah. The lip hints to Chachmah. According to the simple meaning they were said b'Tzedek. From all of them, people of the world learn Tzedek. This is the same for all people.


What is "Niftal v'Ikesh"?


Rashi: They are crookedness.


Malbim: Written Torah also has matters for exceptional individuals, in which there is no crookedness. In what people say, there are foreign matters that deviate from grammar, extra words and errors. There is nothing crooked in written Torah. In all the deviations, extra and out of order words in the Torah, all of them have great Chachmos, Derashos, secrets and wonders of Chachmah for those with good Sechel and Ru'ach Hashem on them.

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