
In what way is he an Oni?


Malbim: My Nefesh is poor and humble.


What is "Gove'a mi'No'ar"?


Rashi: If one dies amidst choking, this is sudden death - "va'Yna'er Hashem" (Shemos 14:27).


Rashi citing Menachem: It is an expression of banging, like "No'er Kapav mi'Temoch ba'Shochad", "Hisna'ari me'Afar Kumi" (Yeshayah 33:15, 52:2).


Radak: From the days of Ne'urai (my youth) I suffer this affliction, and I am dying, like one who suffers incessantly. I.e. all my days from youth to old age were evil, and I do not cast off Your yoke due to my great afflictions, even though You do not save me. Rather, I always fear You.


Malbim: My body is weak and pines away, from my youth.


What is "Afunah"?


Rashi: Fear of You is settled and based in my heart. This is like "Davar Davur Al Afnav" (Mishlei 25:11).


Radak: This is based on Pen, just like v'Tahinu (Devarim 1:41) is based on Hen (preparation). I always fear lest such and such occur to me.


Malbim: [I fear You in every place to which] I turn. It is as if I want to turn my face to another side due to fear of You, and [the fear] scares me from every side.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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