
What do we learn from "ba'Mesim Chafshi"?


Shabbos 30a: Once a person dies, he becomes free (exempt) from Torah and Mitzvos.


Rashi: I am among the dead, who are free from the world.


Radak: It is better that I be with the dead, that I will be free. Now I am a slave among evildoers. So Iyov said (3:19) "v'Eved Chafshi me'Adonav."


Malbim: I wish I were among the dead, who are free from afflictions.


What is the comparison to "Chalalim Shochevei Kever"?


Radak: Now I am in Galus, like Mesim that lie in the grave.


Malbim: If it was decreed on me to be a Chalal, I wish I were already dead.


Why does it say "v'Lo Zechartam Od"?


Radak: You will not remember them, to raise them from their earth 1 . Zechartam is past tense in place of future; this is common [in Nevu'ah]. So I, You will not remember me to take me out of Galus.


Radak citing Ibn Ezra, Malbim: You did not remember them yet 2 - this shows that there will be a time when You will remember the dead.


Radak: He does not deny Techiyas ha'Mesim. He discusses nature; a Mes will never return to life naturally. Also below (refer to 88:11:2:2), it means based on nature. The same applies to "v'Ish Shachav v'Lo Yakum Ad Bilti Shamayim Lo Yakitzu v'Lo Ye'oru mi'Shenasam" (Iyov 14:12). The verse discusses without Techiyas ha'Mesim, which will be a wonder, and not for all Mesim. Many say that it will be only for Tzadikim. 'Rain is better than Techiyas ha'Mesim - Techiyas ha'Mesim is only for Tzadikim, but rain is even for Resha'im' (Ta'anis 7a).


Radak: He explains "Od" like Adayin. The same applies to "Od ha'Yom Gadol" (Bereishis 29:7).


Why does it say "mi'Yadecha Nigzaru"?


Rashi: From Your hits, they are cut off from the world.


Radak: You decreed death on them. So You decreed Galus on me, without rising from it.


Malbim: I am worse than those who already died. They were separated from the blows of Your hand; I was not.

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