
What is "Ne'eratz"?


Radak: It is awesome; others are terrified of Him. He is called Nora, for He is feared.


Malbim: [Even though they take counsel together, they do not do anything without Hashem, for] He is so feared.


What is "b'Sod Kedoshim Rabah"?


Rashi: It is in the great gathering of angels. Radak - Sod is like "b'Sod Yesharim v'Edah" (111:1). "Rabah" refers to the great fear that they have of Him. This is like "Lo Emot Rabah" (62:3) - a great fall.


Malbim: It is in the counsel of Kedoshim and angels who take counsel about miracles.


What is "Al Kol Sevivav"?


Radak: All the angels which are around Him, i.e. His servants. The verse repeats itself in different words.


Mesilas Yesharim Perek 19: The angels are closer to Hashem than physical beings. It is easier for them to fathom His greatness. Therefore, His awe is on them more than it is on people.


Malbim: The purpose of wonders is so Hashem will be feared. Sevivav are around Hashem, and close to Him; He is awesome upon them.

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