
Why does the word "Aholo" end with a 'Hey' (instead of with a 'Vav')?


Rashi: This hints at the Ten Tribes, whose capital city was Shomron - also known as Aholah (spelled with a 'Hey' - Yechezkel 23:4), who would later be exiled because they indulged in excessive wine-drinking, 1 as stated by the Navi (Amos 6:6).


See Ba'al ha'Turim.



Rashi writes: "... this hints to the Ten Tribes... who were exiled due to wine..." What connection does this have with the simple meaning of the verse?


Gur Aryeh #1: Our verse hints at two disastrous results of wine; (a) physical disgrace of the body ("va'Yisgal" - lit. "he became exposed"); (b) losing one's senses of knowledge and intelligence. The latter leads to exile (Galus), because a person is comparable to a tree, but upside-down - his roots connect upward to Heaven through knowledge of HaSh-m. When a person gets drunk he loses that connection, and can be uprooted and displaced. 1


Gur Aryeh #2: Exile also involves exposure, vulnerability and disgrace; the two ideas are connected. 2


Gur Aryeh: Chazal derive this idea from the word "va'Yisgal," not from the word "Aholo" (which Rashi writes); therefore it applies to all descendants of Noach (of whom the Ten Tribes are but one example).


See also Maharal (Derush Al ha'Mitzvos, p. 61).

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