
Why does it say "va'Yetzei" and "va'Yetz'u"?


Malbim: They left for two reasons. (a) They wanted to see from afar what is Yehu's agenda 1 . (b) They feared to be in the city. If they see that he is rebelling, they will flee on horse and chariot.


The first time it says va'Yetzei regarding Yehoram. Perhaps only he wanted to see Yehu's agenda; Achazyahu had no concern lest he rebels against him, for Yehu has no connection to Yehudah. (However, Achazyahu feared lest Yehu want to kill him, to stop him from aiding Yehoram.) How will they see from afar why Yehu is coming? We find that they came close enough to talk to him! (PF)

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