
What is the meaning of "va'Yadrechu"?


Rashi: It is preparing (drawing) a crossbow to shoot an arrow. It is drawn with the legs 1 , therefore an expression of Derichah (trampling) is used. Radak - it is Hif'il. It should say va'Yadrichu (but there is a Shva in place of the Chirik); the same applies to "va'Yadbeku Gam Hemah" (Shmuel I, 14:22).


The hands hold the string, and the legs push on the solid part. (PF)


What is the meaning of "Kashtam Sheker"?


Rashi: The Navi compares their tongues to a bow drawn to [shoot arrows of] Sheker (Radak - and bitterness).


Malbim: This refers to sinful speech towards Hashem. Just like a bow enables defeating enemies in the gate, one should arrange on his tongue arguments to defeat enemies of Emes in mindsets and Emunos. The proofs are the arrows of this bow, to shoot to the heart to nullify [false] mindsets. They drew their bow with Sheker, i.e. false proofs to support (improper mindsets and Emunos).


What is the meaning of "v'Lo le'Emunah Gavru va'Aretz"?


Radak: This that they overpower the weak, it is not for Emunah, to judge correctly and prevent oppressors.


Malbim: Sometimes people bring false proofs to establish truths that they received from their fathers, to uphold true Emunah. They did not do so.


What is "mi'Ra'ah El Ra'ah"?


Rashi: It is from Aveirah to Aveirah.


Radak #1: It is from one evil deed to another. All their days, they engage in evil - now this, afterwards this.


Radak #2: It refers to the punishment - from the evil of this enemy, they go to the evil of another enemy, or this year they are stricken with Shidafon, and next year with Yerakon 1 or locusts.


Malbim: They were like one who refutes the Persians, who believed in two powers, to establish the creed of the people of India, who believed in four deities. They leave one evil to fall to another.


Rashi (Devarim 28:22): These are 'parched by the east-wind' and 'dried and turned straw-yellow', respectively.


Why does it say "v'Osi Lo Yada'u"?


Radak #1: They did not put to their minds for a moment to know Hashem.


Radak #2: Even though they went from one punishment to another, they did not put to their minds to know Hashem.


Malbim: They did not recognize the true belief in one G-d.

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