
What is the meaning of "va'Ysagev Hashem Es Tzarei Retzin Alav"?


Rashi: They trust in what they relied on Melech Aram, and Hashem will strengthen Melech Ashur against him.


Radak: Melech Ashur and his camp, who seized Damesek and killed Retzin, and said that this is because Efrayim had a Bris with Aram, and both of them fought Yehudah. One will not help, for Hashem will strengthen Retzin's enemies against him.


Malbim: The Navi says, indeed, the bricks will fall and the sycamores will be cut (9), i.e. your weak support from Retzin. However, the latter part of verse 9 (rebuilding the wall with cut rocks, and planting cedars, i.e. getting stronger supporters), will not be fulfilled - you will not find new supporters! Also refer to 9:10:2:4.


What is the meaning of "v'Es Oyvav Yesachsech"?


Rashi: Hashem will incite Melech Ashur to come against Aram.


Rashi #2: He addresses the Shechinah. Hashem should incite His enemies against each other - Aram and Pelishtim against Yisrael, and Yisrael against each other, like it says below "Menasheh Es Efrayim" (20).


Radak: He will confound [Retzin's] nation in its land; [his enemies] will come to capture it.


Malbim: The way of war is that the Giborim stand in the middle, fight and win. Those who are not so strong, they stand around like a wall, lest the defeated enemy flee. Tzarei Retzin, those who afflict him in action, will overpower him in war. Oyvav, who seek his evil but do not afflict him in action, will stand around so he cannot flee, and the Tzarim will kill them with the sword.

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