
Who are "Zaken u'Nesu Fanim"?


Malbim: Zaken is an old Chacham. Nesu Fanim [is favored] due to his esteemed Midos.


Why are the false Nevi'im called the tail?


Radak: They were from the lower of the nation. In order to find favor in the eyes of the Gedolim, they prophesized good and made false promises, so they would give to them bread or wine - "Atif Lecha la'Yayin vela'Shechar v'Hayah Matif ha'Am ha'Zeh" (Michah 2:11).


Malbim: When an animal walks forward, it follows the head. When it goes backwards, it follows the tail. So when Yisrael go forward to Hashem's ways, they follow the head. They put for themselves a leader who is Zaken and Nesu Fanim. When they go backwards, and veer from Hashem's ways, they put for a leader a false Navi, and follow the tail.

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