
What is the meaning of "Karvu Pekudos ha'Ir"?


Rashi: Bring close the appointees that I appointed to destroy the city. Malbim - Yechezkel saw that Hashem appointed destroyers, and called them to guard and cut off [the residents] with their tools of destruction.


Radak: "Pekudos ha'Ir" are people appointed over the army. This is like "va'Yasem ha'Kohen Pekudos Al Beis Hashem" (Melachim II, 11:18). First they came to the city, and afterwards the soldiers. Verse 2 explains that there were six of them, and the scribe. They came when the city was breached, like it says in Yirmeyah (39:3). They were Nergal Sar'etzer, Samgar Nevo, Sar Sechim Rav Saris, Nergal, Sar'etzer and Rav Mag. Even though there are eight, the first was appointed over the seven and is not counted with them. Hashem showed Yechezkel that this is how Yerushalayim will be conquered.


Why does it say "Kli Mashcheso"?


Radak: It says Kli with a Chirik, for it is singular. The same applies to "Kli Mapatzo" (2).

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