
What is the meaning of "v'Neish'ar Ani"?


Rashi: I remained.


Radak: This word is a composite of Nish'ar (Nif'al conjugation) and Asha'er (simple conjugation, first person). When they were striking, I put my eyes to see who remained in the Chatzeros. Only I remained. Both meanings are put in one word, for brevity, like I explained "Mishtachavisem" (refer to 8:16:3:3). In Chatzros Hashem, only Yechezkel had a Tav.


Where was Yechezkel at the time?


Radak: In the prophetic vision, he was in the Chatzeros.


Will pouring His anger on Yerushalayim eradicate any remnant in Yisrael?


Radak: Yes. All of Yisrael were already exiled, except for Yerushalayim, and they already died via hunger, sword or Galus 1 .


Malbim: Yechezkel saw that there would be no remnant, for there were not Tzadikim among them. He asked, since You want to pour Your anger on Yerushalayim to burn it, this should assuage Your anger and finish it on wood and stones. This should suffice, without destroying Yisrael!


Perhaps he means that most of those exiled already died via hunger, sword or other reasons due to Galus. (PF)

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