
What is the comparison of Efrayim to Tzor?


Rashi: In Tzor's serenity, it was richer than all countries. So I saw Efrayim planted in a residence. How did it pay Me?


Radak: I saw Efrayim in great serenity like I saw Tzor planted on the sea in a good place. Afterwards, the water covered [Tzor].


Malbim: Efrayim is unlike the first generation, which was like grapes in the Midbar. Efrayim does not dwell in the Midbar. Rather, it is like Tzor, which is planted in a residence. I replanted Efrayim from the Midbar to be planted in a settled area. I see it established in its land with great good, like Tzor. Even so, its deeds were so bad that it was decreed "Lehotzi El Horeg Banav", even though based on nature, it was proper to succeed and multiply in the good land that I gave to them.


What is the meaning of "Lehotzi El Horeg Banav"?


Rashi citing Targum Yonasan: They engaged in taking out their sons to kill them - this is the Avodah of the idolatry Molech.


Radak: The enemy will come against them, and [Efrayim] will leave their cities to fight them, and the enemy will kill them. Efrayim is destined to send [its men] soon. Efrayim is the Klal; it says Banav for the individuals, because it mentioned children being eradicated.

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