
What do we learn from "Lo Yeshevu b'Eretz Hashem"?


Rashi: They will delay [in their land].


Radak: This refers to Yerushalayim. Since they were Metamei it with their idols, they will not dwell in it. The land does not bear idolaters for a long time ? "Elohei Nechar ha'Aretz 1 " (Devarim 31:16). Similarly, one who does the abominations written (will not remain in it) ? "v'Lo Saki ha'Aretz Eschem b'Tama'achem Osah Ka'asher Ka'ah Es ha'Goy Asher Lifneichem" (Vayikra 18:28).


Malbim: They will be exiled from the land due to their sins, and the land will remain desolate.


I.e. those who serve other gods will be "Nechar ha'Aretz" (they will be strangers to the land; they will not remain in it). (PF)


What is the significance of "v'Shav Efrayim Mitzrayim"?


Radak: It says "Lo Sosifun Lir'osam Od Ad Olam" (Shemos 14:13), and in the curses "ve'Heshivecha Hashem Mitzrayim?" (Devarim 28:68). Even though Melech Ashur exiled Malchus Efrayim, many of them returned to Egypt beforehand, due to the hunger and afflictions in their land. Also remnants of Efrayim were with the lowly of Yehudah and Binyamin when they returned to Egypt, after Yirmeyah ha'Navi forbade them to do so, in the name of Hashem.


Malbim: Since the land will be desolate, Efrayim will return to Egypt to settle there.


What is the meaning of "uv'Ashur Tamei Yochelu"?


Radak: They were exiled to Ashur. There, they will eat Tamei ? "Kachah Yochelu Vnei Yisrael Es Lachmam Tamei ba'Goyim" (Yechezkel 4:13). Amidst the Goyim, they will not be able to eat their food in Taharah and cleanliness.

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