
Why does it say "Ki Haman


Vilna Gaon: This is why Mordechai sent letters (20).


Malbim: Do not think that his hatred was only because Mordechai did not bow to him. No! Haman was Agagi, from the seed of Amalek, who bears the hatred of his fathers. He was "Tzorer ha'Yehudim"; he wanted to totally eradicate them.


Why does it say "Lehumam u'Le'abdam"?


Rashi: This was Haman's intent.


Vilna Gaon: The Mazalos [were proper to destroy them], but Hashem reversed them; this is the primary miracle!


Malbim: Initially, Haman wanted only "Le'abedam" (to obliterate the form of the nation and its creed, but when he cast the lot, the Mazal and Ma'arachah of that month and day was proper to overwhelm them and exterminate them.

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