
What do we learn from "Kiymu v'Kiblu"?


Torah Temimah citing Shabbos 88a: (Initially, Yisrael were forced to accept the Torah. Hashem bent Har Sinai over them!) However, at the time of the miracle of Purim, they [willingly] affirmed what they already accepted [through coercion].


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 7a: This shows that Megilas Esther was written with Ru'ach ha'Kodesh 1 . They fulfilled in Heaven what they accepted below.


Kol Eliyahu: What is the proof? Perhaps the verse teaches that now they accepted Torah willingly (refer to 9:27:1:1)! It is written v'Kibel, and we pronounce it v'Kibelu. The former teaches that they affirmed now what Moshe (singular) accepted earlier. The latter teaches that they fulfilled in Heaven what they (plural) accepted below. A support is that in the latter Drashah it says 'she'Ne'emar' (it is said, i.e. the pronunciation), and in the former it says 'di'Chsiv' (it is written).


Why did they accept on themselves and on their seed?


Vilna Gaon: [Their enemies] wanted to eradicate them; had they succeeded, their seed would not have come to the world.


Who are "ha'Nilvim Aleihem"?


Rashi: Converts who will convert later. Vilna Gaon - had Haman succeeded, he would have wiped out our creed, and there would be no more converts.


Why does it say "v'Lo Ya'avor"?


Refer to 9:22:1:1.


Malbim: This is unlike other enactments of Chachamim, for which a later Beis Din greater in Chachamim and number can overturn it. Here they stipulated that it can never be nullified.


What do we learn from "ki'Chsavam"?


Rashi citing Megilah 19a: The Megilah must be written Ashuris.


What do we learn from "v'Chizmanam"?


Vilna Gaon: This refers to Mishteh and Simchah 1 .


Magihah in Perush ha'Gra ha'Shalem, from Megilah 4b-5a: When villagers read the Megilah before the 14th, they give Matanos la'Evyonim that day, but Mishteh and Simchah are on the proper day (14th).


What do we learn from "in every year and year"?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 6b #1: If the Megilah was read in Adar Rishon, and the year was declared a leap year, we read it again in Adar Sheni. We learn from "in every year and year" - every year it is in the month adjacent to Nisan.


Megilah 6b #2: In a leap year, we read the Megilah in Adar Rishon. In every year it is in the month next to Shevat 1 .


The other opinion (refer to 9:27:7:1) rejects this, for it is better to put redemptions close to each other (Purim and Pesach). Alternatively, he learns from "Lekayem Es Igeres ha'Purim ha'Zos ha'Shenis" (29).

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