
Why is the 'Vov' of "Vayzasa" elongated?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 16b: It is because they were all hung on one pole.


Vilna Gaon: Refer to 9:10:1:2.


The verses hint to the verdict to the Nuremberg trial, in which 10 Nazis were hung. Esther asked ha'Melech (Stam, i.e. Hashem) to hang the 10 sons of Haman "Machar (i.e. in the future 1 ) Al ha'Etz 2 " (13). They were hung on Hoshana Raba 3 5707. The big Vov hints to the sixth millennia, and the small letters Tov, Shin and Zayin in the names of Bnei Haman are how we write 707 with letters. Nowhere else in Tanach do we find even three big or small letters so close to each other! (PF)


E.g. "Ki Yish'alcha Bincha Machar" (Shemos 13:14).


Newsweek, New York Times October 16 1946: They were hung on a wooden pole; also the hangman was named Woods. An 11th Nazi was sentenced; but killed himself before execution. (Also Haman's daughter killed herself - refer to 6:12:3:1.) Before the seventh was hung, he screamed out 'Purimfest 1946.'


The Zohar (Vayikra 96) says that Hoshana Raba is the end of the judgment [of Yamim Nora'im]. In the future, Nochrim who do not come to Yerushalayim for Sukos will be punished (Zecharyah 14:17-18). The Korban Musaf for Hoshana Raba hints to their sentence - it is the only Musaf in which it says "k'Mishpatam" (Bamidbar 29:33). (PF)


Why do we read in one breath the 10 sons of Haman and the word v'Aseres?


Torah Temimah citing Megilah 16b: It is because they died at the same moment.

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