Why does it say "Shavti"
Ibn Ezra: I retracted from praising Simchah. Refer to 2:2:6:1-3 and the note there.
I said "Kol Asher Timtza Yadecha La'asos b'Chochacha Ase" (10). [I retract,] for it does not depend on Kochacha - Hashem decides who succeeds
Do we find that "Lo la'Kalim ha'Merotz"?
Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Asa'el's swiftness 1 did not help him when his time came (Avner killed him).
Ibn Ezra: Sometimes the swift stumble, and those who lack strength to run, they flee and are saved.
Rashbam: Their swiftness is not constant. Even though they run quickly, "Es va'Fega" occurs to them, like to all others.
Ri Kara: The swift does not always succeed due to his swiftness.
R. Avigdor citing Koheles Rabah: This refers to Moshe - before he ascended to Shamayim, and now he cannot cross the Yarden, which is only 50 Amos wide.
Metzudas David: I saw that the fast who are pursued, they did not escape. Metzudas Tziyon - Merotz is running and pursuit.
R. Avigdor: "V'Asah'el Kal b'Raglav" (Shmuel II, 2:18).
Do we find that "Lo la'Giborim ha'Milchamah"?
Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Avner's strength 1 did not help him when his time came (Yo'av killed him).
Ibn Ezra: Yes - "Gibor Lo Yinatzel b'Rav Ko'ach" (Tehilim 33:16).
Rashbam, Ri Kara: The strong does not always win due to his strength.
R. Avigdor citing Koheles Rabah: This refers to Moshe - before, "Malchei Tzevakos Yidodun" (Tehilim 68:13 - he overpowered angels), and later "Ki Yagorti Mipnei ha'Af veha'Chemah" (Devarim 9:19).
Koheles Rabah, cited roughly in R. Avigdor: It was easier to budge a wall six Amos thick than to budge one leg of Avner. Radal citing Sefer Ben Sira - when Avner was sleeping, David went between his legs to take Sha'ul's spear. Avner closed his legs, and all David's Giborim could not open them.
Do we find that Chachamim lacked bread?
Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: I (Shlomo), my meal was "Shishim Kor Soles 1 " (Melachim I, 5:2), and now, "v'Zeh Hayah Chelki mi'Kol Amali" (2:10) - [only] a staff and bowl.
Ibn Ezra: It is proper that Chachamim rule over Kesilim and be the leaders; usually, the opposite occurs.
Rashbam, Metzudas David: Sometimes they lack, in spite of their Chachmah.
Ri Kara: The Chacham does not always get rich due to his Chachmah 2 .
R. Avigdor citing Koheles Rabah: This refers to Moshe - before he was Pharaoh's appointee, and now "Kiren Lo v'Yochal Lachem" (Shemos 2:20).
The Midrash did not need to prove that Shlomo was a Chacham. Rather, it points out his descent from awesome extravagance to dire poverty, and similarly regarding Moshe and Iyov (refer to 9:11:4:5, 9:11:5:1. - PF)
The verse discusses bread with Chachmah, and wealth with Navon! Ri Kara groups both of these together; he holds that the matter is repeated in different words. (PF)
Do we find that "Nevonim" lack wealth?
Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Yes, Iyov - initially, "va'Yhi Miknehu
Koheles Rabah: And now [that Hashem said that he will die in Chutz la'Aretz], his wealth did not help him.
Do we find that "Lo la'Yod'im Chen"?
Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: No one in Yisrael knows like Moshe, and he did not find grace in his Tefilah to enter Eretz Yisrael 1 .
Ibn Ezra: Those who know do not find grace in the eyes of the authorities, that they would heed them.
Rashbam: Sometimes they lack Chen, and people hate them.
Ri Kara: Often, we find Tevunah in Misken, and his Chachmah is disgraced - "v'Adam Lo Zachar Es ha'Ish ha'Misken;
Even though it says "Matzasa Chen b'Einai" (Shemos 33:12), it was not enough to repeal Hashem's decree. (PF)
I.e. you cannot distinguish both of those from the voice of inanity. (PF)
What do we learn from "Ki Es va'Fega Yikreh Es Kulam"?