
What is the meaning of "ha'Kol Asher la'Kol"?


Rav Sadya Gaon: Everyone is equal regarding what will happen to them; the same occurs to a Tzadik


What is "Mikreh Echad"?


Rashi: All will die 1 . In this world, the same occurs to everyone. They are differentiated in the world to come.


Rashbam, Ri Kara: What happens to one, happens to the other.


Seforno: The Divine help given to one who is Rasha, Tamei or Chote in his actions can be the same as for a Tzadik doing the opposite, based on the intent - an Aveirah Lishmah is greater than a Mitzvah Lo Lishmah (Nazir 23b).


Below, Rashi gives other cases of Mikreh Echad. Refer to 9:2:3:1, 9:2:4:1, 9:2:6:1. 9:2:7:1.


Why does it say Tzadik and Rasha?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Noach was a Tzadik, and Pharaoh Necho was a Rasha. Both of them became lame 1 .


Ibn Ezra: This refers to their deeds.


Koheles Rabah: A lion struck Noach when he left the ark, and a lion struck Pharaoh Necho when he wanted to sit on Shlomo's throne. (Why did it not say that the Tzadik is Yakov? Perhaps Noach and Pharaoh Necho became permanently lame; Yakov was healed. - PF)


What is the significance of Tov, Tahor and Tamei?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Moshe is Tov, Aharon is Tahor, and the [evil] Meraglim are Tamei. Moshe and Aharon said the praise of Eretz Yisrael, and the latter said its detriment. Both of them did not enter the land.


Ibn Ezra: These refer to the body. Here, Tamei is the opposite of Tov and Tahor, just like Pike'ach is the opposite of Iver and Cheresh in "Mi Sam Peh la'Adam


Why does it mention Zove'ach and Asher Einenu Zove'ach?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Yoshiyah was Zove'ach - "va'Yarem Yoshiyah" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 35:7). Achav was not Zove'ach - [just the contrary,] he stopped Yisrael from ascending for the Regel! Both of them died via arrows.


Ibn Ezra: These refer to what one does with his money.


Why does it say "ka'Tov ka'Chote"?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: David is Tov, and Nebuchadnetzar is Chote. David built the Beis ha'Mikdash 1 , and Nebuchadnetzar destroyed it. Both of them ruled for 40 years 2 .


Ibn Ezra, Metzudas Tziyon: This refers to the heart. The prefix Kaf in front of both of them equates them without any difference, like "ka'Eved ka'Donav" (Yeshayah 24:2), "Kamoni Chamocha k'Ami ch'Amecha" (Melachim I, 22:4).


Even though Shlomo built it, David had great desire to build it and would have done so had Hashem let him, so it is attributed to him. (PF)


Yefe To'ar (on Vayikra Rabah 20:1). Really, Nebuchadnetzar ruled for 45 years. The Midrash means, it is astounding that he ruled as long as David, and even more astounding that he ruled longer than David!


Why does it mention Nishba and Asher Shevu'ah Yarei?


Rashi citing Koheles Rabah: Tzidkiyah swore falsely - "v'Gam ba'Melech Nebuchadnetzar Marad Asher Hishbi'o bEi'lokim" (Divrei ha'Yamim II, 36:13). Shimshon feared a Shevu'ah - "Hishav'u Li Pen Tifge'un Bi Atem" (Shoftim 15:12). This shows that a Shevu'ah was severe to him 1 . Both of them died with their eyes gouged out.


Ibn Ezra: This is done with the mouth.


Metzudas David: Nishba swears regularly; he is not concerned lest he not be able to fulfill. Asher Shevu'ah Yarei refrains from swearing, amidst fear lest he not be able to fulfill.


Etz Yosef (on the Midrash): If he was lax about Shevu'os, he would not rely on others' Shevu'ah.

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