
What is the meaning of "Nekudim"?


Rashi: It is toasted bread. 1


Radak #1: It is hard, crumbly Kisnin 2 [crackers or pretzels].


Radak #2: It is moldy bread, which has red, yellow or black Nekudos 3 (dots).


Below (verse 12), they said that they took it when it was warm [and moist, from the oven], and now it is dry and Nekudim. Perhaps it became like toast, e.g. if it was exposed to the air on all sides. If it was covered or touching other bread, it would get moldy (like we say about Lechem ha'Panim; refer to Shemos 25:29:3:1***)! (PF)


Below (verse 12), they said that they took it when it was warm [and moist, from the oven], and now it is dry and Nekudim. How did it become like this? Refer to 9:5:1:1*. (PF)


Refer to 9:12:2:1*.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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