
Why does it say that they gave money to him?


Malbim: Through this, they participated in the murder [that followed].


What are "Rekim u'Fochazim"?


Rashi: Their actions are amidst confusion, and not amidst understanding.


Radak: They are easily agitated for income. They did not have a livelihood. This is from "Pachaz ka'Mayim" (Bereishis 49:4).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: Serikin u'Bakrin. Serikin is empty, like Buki Seriki (Bava Basra 7a), and Bakrin is like Pakrin, for Beis and Pei are interchangeable. I.e. they are like Hefker (lawless). Or, Bakrin is like Ro'ei Bakar (cattlemen), who are the most disgraced people. Some texts of Targum Yonasan say Serikin u'Vesirin 1 . Besirin is disgraced. The Targum of "Devar Hashem Bazah" (Bamidbar 15:31) is Besar.


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