
What is "Pelach Rechev"?


Rashi: It is a rock from the upper part of the mill called Rechev. Malbim, Torah ha'Temimah citing Midrash Agadah (Bereishis 26) - this was Midah k'Neged Midah 1 , just like he killed his brothers on one rock.


Torah ha'Temimah citing Lev Aharon: Also, brothers normally have mercy on and love each other; Avimelech was cruel to his brothers. He was killed by a woman, whose nature is to be merciful.


What is the root of "va'Taritz"?


Radak #1: It is a Hif'il; the root is Ratzatz (bropken), like "Kaneh Ratzutz" (Yeshayah 42:3).


Radak #2: The Ayin is Nach (omitted); the root is like "va'Yir'atzu (crushed] va'Yrotzetzu" (10:8).

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