Why does it say "Es Shmuel"?
Radak: This is like "El Shmuel."
Malbim: Shmuel veered from his way to the gate in order to encounter Sha'ul. Sha'ul approached Shmuel, and caused him to approach himself. "Es" implies that he acted upon Shmuel.
This is fine according to Targum Yonasan (he encountered Shmuel). (PF)
Was it haughty for Shmuel to say "I am the Ro'eh"?
Radak: No. Since Sha'ul asked about where is the Ro'eh's house, he needed to answer him.
Radak citing Sifri Devarim 1:17: Yes. He should have said 'ask others', or something similar. Hashem said, you are the Ro'eh? I will show you that you are not the Ro'eh! Later, when Shmuel went to anoint a son of Yishai, he saw Eli'av [and said that he will be king]. Hashem said, you said 'I am the Ro'eh'? Do not look at his appearance!
What is "Kol Asher bi'Lvavecha"?
Radak: The matter of the donkeys, and whatever else you want to ask.
Malbim: Doubts and investigations in Torah or Chachmah.