
What is the meaning of "Hachi Yesh Od"?


Radak: It is as if it says ha'Im (is there anyone else?) The same applies to "Hachi Amarti Havu Li" (Iyov 6:22).


Malbim: Since he said Yesh, this shows that he knew that people remained. David was Sha'ul's son-in-law. How would he not know the number of people in his father-in-law's house?! He knew that three sons died in the war, and a son remained to Yehonason, and seven descendants of Sha'ul that the Giv'onim later killed. When David overpowered, they feared lest he kill them, and hid. Kings used to kill even their brothers, lest they rebel, and all the more so seed of the previous king!


Why does it mention here what David wanted to do for the seed of Sha'ul?


Radak: He won his wars and had rest, and he appointed appointees. Now he put to his mind his Shevu'ah to Yehonason; if there was anyone proper from his seed, he would appoint him, like Yehonason told him "I will be second to you" (Shmuel I, 23:17).

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