
What is "Sede Sha'ul"?


Radak: This is a general term for the inheritance of Sha'ul. Also Yonason translates like this.


What is the Chesed to give to him Sede Sha'ul? Automatically he inherits it!


Rashi (9): A king can transfer inheritance and give to his servants. Radak - i.e. also Bnei Ritzpah should have inherited, even though she was a Pilegesh; David gave all of it to Mefivoshes. However, this is wrong 1 .


Radak #1: Rather, David merited the entire inheritance, for Ish Boshes and Beis Sha'ul rebelled against David's Malchus. It was known that Hashem had commanded Shmuel to anoint him to be king after Sha'ul. It was a big Chesed to return it to Mefivoshes. 2


Radak #2: David said that Mefivoshes will eat at David's table forever.


Malbim: We distinguish what the king acquired, and his ancestral inheritance. The latter is like anyone's property and inheritance. However, what he received due to being king, when kingship transfers, the new king receives it. Sha'ul was initially poor 3 , and received great wealth due to kingship, including what Sha'ul conquered in war. It was a great Chesed to return it to Mefivoshes, the son of David's beloved!


Radak: Taking from others to give to Mefivoshes is not Chesed! Also, "I will return to you" implies that Mefivoshes already had it! Also, the king may take only the Peros of people's fields and vineyards, but not the land itself. If not, Achav could have taken Navos' vineyard directly, without hiring false witnesses! The Torah does not say that the king may take houses! Also, he may give to his servants, but may not take for himself! (Perhaps the Chesed is to consider Mefivoshes David's servant, and give to him the field for minimal service! - PF)


Malbim (21:6) said that the Giv'onim did not want to kill Mefivoshes, for they knew Yehonason [and his sons] would not consent to eradicate Nov, for he had a Bris with David. It is not clear if his son would support Ish Boshes. (PF)


What is his source? Malbim himself (1:9:8) explained that Sha'ul's youth was a servant! Perhaps Malbim means that his prior wealth was a pittance compared to what he acquired due to kingship. (PF)


Why did he say that Mefivoshes will eat at David's table?


Radak: Also this was Chesed.


Malbim: It was due to Mefivoshes' level. Only people great in Torah and Chachmah eat at the king's table. 1


David commanded Shlomo to offer Barzilai ha'Gil'adi to eat at his table (Melachim I, 2:7; it seems that also David did - below, 19:34-36), amidst Hakaras ha'Tov, even though he was steeped in lust for intimacy (Shabbos 152a; presumably, he was not great in Torah and Chachmah! - PF)

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