
What is the meaning of "Limnos Yameinu Ken Hoda"?


Rashi #1: Make known in the world that our days will be long, like initially 1 . Since we will live long, we can acquire a heart and Chachmah.


Rashi #2: Our days are counted like the Gematriya of Ken (70), which is few, and then we die. So You afflict us. Also "v'Yoda Bahem Es Anshei Sukos" (Shoftim 8:16, refers to affliction).


Radak #1: You know the number of our days - so inform us!


Radak #2: He asks to know that the length of the Galus. The words of Daniel 2 are unclear. Also the angel told him to leave unclear what he understood.


Malbim: Due to our short days, we know nothing of Your anger. We die without attaining the perfection for which we were created. It is proper that You inform us, so we can count our days in a way that we can bring a heart of Chachmah.


Everyone from Adam until No'ach whose years are given, he lived about 900 or more years, with only one exception. (PF)


Sanhedrin 97b: Chachamim expound "Ad Idan v'Idanin u'Flag Idan" (Daniel 7:25), to teach that Mashi'ach will come after (1400 years,) three and a half times the duration of Galus Egypt. However, Radak refers to Daniel 9:24-26, in which an angel hinted to him when Mashi'ach will come. (PF)


Why does it say "v'Navi Levav Chachmah"?


Rashi: Navi is an expression of bringing [Chachmah into the heart].


Radak #1: [If You will inform us the number of our days,] we will strive more in Chachmah when we know our end. And so it says "Hodi'eni Hashem Kitzi u'Midas Yamai Mah Hi" (39:5).


Radak #2: Moshe asks how long the Galus will be, and when the Navi will come to Yisrael - "Hine Anochi Shole'ach Lachem Es Eliyahu ha'Navi" (Mal'achi 3:23). Then we will have a heart of Chachmah - "Ki Mal'ah ha'Aretz De'ah Es Hashem" (Yeshayah 11:9).


Malbim: Corresponding to "v'Rahbam Amal va'Aven" (verse 10), teach us to bring in the days of our lives a heart of Chachmah, and our lives will not be for naught.

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