
Why will idolaters be shamed?


Rashi: "Veha'Elilim Kalil Yachalof" (Yeshayah 2:18).


Radak: They used to say that their success is via the gods that they serve. Now, Hashem will judge them, they will see and know that their gods are impotent, and only Hashem has ability.


Malbim: They will see that the gods (powers), which they served, bow to Hashem, for they recognize that He rules over them to conduct them according to His will.


What are "Pesel" and "Elilim"?


Radak: They are images made based on the Heavenly legion, and people serve them.


Malbim: "Pesel" is an image. Their worshippers thought that serving them, a star will bring down spirituality on them. "Elilim" are powers, which they thought that they supervise a particular land and influences on it honor and grandeur.


What is "ha'Mis'halelim"?


Rashi: They glorify themselves for idolatry.


What is the meaning of "Hishtachavu Lo Kol Elohim"?


Radak: It is as if it says Kol Ovedei Elohim [Acherim]; "Ovedei" above applies to also to this. Those who served the Heavenly legion, they will admit and bow to Hashem, for He did Mishpat to those who serve them. "Hishtachavu" is not a command; it is past tense used in place of future (this is common in Nevu'ah).


Malbim: All the powers will bow to Hashem.

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