
Why does it say "v'Hikah


Malbim: First they will be stricken in the days of Chaza'el (Melachim II, 13:7). Later they will be uprooted from their land via Melech Ashur. And finally they will be exiled by Sancheriv to the other side of the river.


Why did He say "Ka'asher Yanud ha'Kaneh ba'Mayim"?


Radak citing Ta'anis 20a: Even at the time of Yisrael's debacle, He compared them to a reed in water. It moves to and fro, but is not uprooted.


What is the meaning of "v'Zeram me'Ever la'Nahar"?


Radak: They will be scattered on the other side of the rivers of Kush. This refers to the first exile via Sancheriv; he led them to Chelach and Chavur (Melachim II, 17:6).


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: [They will be exiled] on the other side of the Pras river.


Why does it say "Ashereihem"? These were not mentioned until now!


Malbim: Hashem would not punish them for the calves; Yaravam enticed or forced them on Yisrael. Later they themselves made Asheros (trees for idolatry) to anger Hashem. Therefore, also the sin of the calves is attributed to them (verse 16).

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