
Why does it repeat here that Hashem gave Chachmah to Shlomo?


Radak: In most of the buildings that he built, his Chachmah was seen, like it says "and Malkas Sheva saw all the Chachmah of Shlomo, and the house that he built?" (10:5-6).


Malbim: This teaches that the love between Shlomo and Chiram was not due to Chiram's love for David, rather, due to Shlomo's Chachmah. Chiram made Shalom with David because David was a warrior who conquered lands, and Cherem needed his help. His Shalom with Shlomo was due to his Chachmah; therefore, he added a Bris of love.

Sefer: Perek: Pasuk:
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