
Why did he say "Oseh Chesed la'Alafim"?


Radak (17): Yirmeyah thought that perhaps Hashem's anger departed from them amidst His great Chesed, and He recalled for them the Chesed of the first Avos.


Malbim: This hints to a second kind of conduct, as long as there are in the world [people] with choice. He considers all generations from the beginning to the end like one chain.


Does Hashem normally punish children for their fathers' sins?


Rashi (from Brachos 7a): This is for generations such as this, which goes in the evil ways of their fathers. Radak - this is like it says in the Torah "l'Son'ai" (Shemos 20:5).


Why did he say "ha'Gadol veha'Gibor", but not 'veha'Nora'? Moshe said all three of them (Devarim 10:17)!


Rashi (from Yuma 69b): He said, Goyim are dancing in His Heichal - where is His Midah of Nora?!


Malbim: Yirmeyah teaches that Hashem controls all causes and results - this is Gadol. He changes causes miraculously - this is Gibor.


Why does it say "Hashem Tzevakos Shemo"?


Malbim: He rules over all legions in His general conduct.

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