
What is "Beis ha'Choref"?


Radak: They make a Bayis 1 for summer with big windows to cool it, and a room for winter that does not get wind.


This word can mean 'room'. This term is used also for commoners, who do not have separate houses for summer and winter. (PF)


What is "he'Ach"?


Rashi (from Shabbos 20a): It is the sticks of wood, which catch fire one from another, just like brothers benefit from each other.


Rashi: It is a Kli on which they burn fire in front of officers. Radak - it says Mevu'eres, for wood was burning in it, as if the Kli was burning.


Radak citing Targum Yonasan: They were lighting a fire in front of him.

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